Smart Show – 04.27.15

Cher jumps into local politics.  Cher endorses Heidi Shink, who is  running for City Council against the notoriously corrupt politics and developers of West Hollywood California.

Heidi Shink for West Hollywood City Council

Guest 2: Louis Slesin, Editor & Publisher,       

Founder, Editor & Publisher, Microwave News, a bimonthly newsletter on the biological effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, with special emphasis on power lines and cellular phones.   

Former Senior Scientist, Natural Resources Defense Council.  Ph.D., Environmental Policy, M.I.T., Cambridge, MA.

Guest 3: Eric Gladen, Director of the documentary, Trace amounts: Autism, mercury, and the hidden Truth.   

Eric spent the first two years researching the science behind potential “causes” of Autism. Immediately I realized how controversial this subject was since many were claiming that childhood vaccines were the cause. But I wasn’t focused on the vaccines themselves, I was focused on something else that is simply added to vaccines solely to save pharmaceutical companies time and money.  Mercury.

Tomorrow in California is a vote to wipe out exceptions and make vaccinations mandatory for all.