Progressive Radio Network

Green Power And Wellness

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 06.23.16

The Diablo Canyon Nuke will shut and we are honored to talk about it with three great players in this amazing success for citizen activism.

Jim Riccio of Greenpeace USA gives us the perspective of a world-class safe energy campaigner on the global stage. Linda Seeley of the San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace tells us what’s happening on the local level with one of the most powerful and persistent of all our grassroots groups. Ace Hoffman fills us in from the backyard of San Onofre, which he has helped to shut, and whose epic struggles with massive debt and unmanageable wastes continue unabated.

Together we vet the Diablo shutdown agreement. We start with PG&E’s admission that all Diablo’s power can be got from renewable. We explore the landmark deal that’s been cut with organized labor and we emphasize the reality that this agreement has been pioneered by environmental groups whose commitment to a green-powered Earth is unshaken.

For an in-depth look at the most important step yet taken toward end nuke power and winning a Solartopian future, don’t miss this show.

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