Progressive Radio Network

Green Power And Wellness

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 08.25.16

THE INSANE NY NUKE BAILOUT headlines in Solartopia today as TIM JUDSON of the NUCLEAR INFORMATION & RESOURCE SERVICE joins MANNA JO GREENE of CLEARWATER and KEVIN KAMPS of BEYOND NUCLEAR to discuss the $7-11 billion potential handout to keep four dangerously decrepit nuke reactors on line in the Empire State.

Because they are obsolete and uncompetitive, the Ginna, Fitzpatrick, Nine Mile One and Nine Mile Two reactors have been headed for shut-down.  The cannot compete with renewables, worsen climate chaos and threaten the entire northeast with radioactive catastrophe.

In fact, their owners have been angling to shut them down for years.  But Gov. Andrew Cuomo has now strongarmed the New York Public Utilities Commission to take up to $11 billion in public money to prolong the operation of these dying nukes.

If it goes through, the proposal would cost jobs, heat the planet and threaten millions with radioactive death and destruction.  Yet without a public vote, Cuomo has decided to risk New York’s future on this dead technology.

Tim, Manna Jo and Kevin run us through the essential basics, and tell us how we can and must unite to stop this.  Don’t miss this vital strategy session.

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