Progressive Radio Network

Green Power And Wellness

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 09.17.15

Award-winning columnist ROBERT KOEHLER talks with us about refugees and compassion as the “Squirming Buddha” seeks a balance among difficult choices.

Bob’s always-cogent columns speak to us of the dilemma of NOT being a refugee and of facing the reality of how one would act as an individual in the face of the need for sharing and personal cost.

He tells a simple story of finding money on the street and then NOT giving it to a panhandler in need.  Of housing a political refugee for five years and living through the day-to-day difficulties of doing a good deed.

We start with a talk about the REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE and the astonishing spectacle of 11 (ELEVEN!) candidates strewn across a stage in the Ronald Reagan library, yelling about legal pot and wars unfought.  An event to shake the very roots of Solartopia.

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