Progressive Radio Network

Green Power And Wellness

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 10.22.15

NUKE POWER IN NEW YORK hopefully on its way out….

We talk about making New York state NUKEFREE with the great ARNIE GUNDERSEN, one of the world’s top technical experts on atomic reactors; JESSICA AZULAY of the movement to shut down the FITZPATRICK and GINNA reactors in upstate NY; GARY SHAW at INDIAN POINT; and TIM JUDSON of the NUCLEAR INFORMATION & RESOURCE SERVICE.

On the brink of an expected announcement from ENTERGY on Fitzpatrick, we run the gamut of insanity at these atomic disasters in progress, including the two far upstate at NINE MILE POINT, Unit One being one the the 3 oldest in the world.

At Indian Point2 the license is expired, as it’s about to at Unit3.  Ginna and Fitzpatrick are losing money.  Nine Mile Point is crumbling.  The state government is working for shutdown.

Tune in to find out how we can finally get over the line and make these  New York nightmares go cold.


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