Progressive Radio Network

Green Power And Wellness

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 11.12.15


We celebrate the hard-won decision by the Santa Monica city council to fully fund the re-hab needed for the legendary Paul Conrad statue.   We’re joined by JERRY RUBIN who has been part of the successful campaign. This iconic sculpture commemorates the atomic bombings in Japan and warns us to make sure it never happens again.  Erected in the early 1990s, it has been in need of funds for rehabilitation.  There were those who wanted to tear Chain Reaction down.  But Jerry tells us it will now be fully preserved and surrounded with a peace park.  FANTASTIC NEWS!!!

We also talk SHUTTING NUCLEAR POWER with longtime activists MICHAEL KEEGAN in Monroe, Michigan and ACE HOFFMAN in southern California about the FERMI, DAVIS-BESSE, DIABLO CANYON and SAN ONOFRE nukes.  These legendary experts take us deep into the nightmare world of decaying reactors as we assess the prospects for dealing in a sane manner with these horrendous remnants of this failed technology.


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