IT’S EVEN WORSE THAN YOU THINK is the great DAVID CAY JOHNSTON’s brilliant NYTimes best-selling investigation of the life and crimes of Donald Trump.
Johnston is an impeccable investigator with top-level credentials who has been following Trump for decades. He’s also a great, uniquely articulate presenter.
But his 100% true exposition of Trump’s personal, political and financial history borders on the surreal. If a novelist were to invent a character this awful, someone so thoroughly defined by outrageous lies, greed and heartlessness, he would not be credible.
David takes us through a bare fraction of what he’s uncovered about the Dark Lord currently in the White House. For pure mind-boggling shock and awe, don’t miss what he has to say.
We are also joined by STEVE ROSENFELD of ALTERNET who fills us in on the critical interface between election theft, the Russians who own Trump and how all this plays out in the shadow of Homeland Security and other reports of Russian meddling in our elections.
Sadly, there will be much more to come about all of this.