Progressive Radio Network

Green Power And Wellness

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 03.23.17

THE FALL OF THE NUKE POWER INDUSTRY is welcomed in Solartopia as we talk with JIM GREEN in Australia.

Our first “down-under” guest is the nuclear campaigner for Friends of the Earth and edits the NUCLEAR MONITOR for the NUCLEAR INFORMATION & RESOURCE SERVICE.

He fills us in on the current energy crisis in Australia and Elon Musk’s offer to solve it with a giant battery farm, a solution Jim Green basically dismisses.

We then cover the thrilling demise of the global atomic power industry, starting with Fukushima and visiting the collective downfall of the American and European industries.

We worry about China, Russia, India and South Korea.  But Jim’s in-depth understanding of the collapse of the Peaceful Atom gives us profound hope.

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