Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 09.29.16

Long-Time activist, educator and author BILL AYERS joins us in Solartopia to talk about his new book DEMAND THE IMPOSSIBLE: A RADICAL MANIFESTO and much else about our current American miasma.
Bill has spent a lifetime working to make education available and democratic for the mainstream American public.  Meaningful learning is “a right, not a product,” he says.  He makes clear that eating education as a business guarantees that the privileged few will prosper at the expense of the many.

Bill also discusses his opinions on voting for the Green Party in a non-swing state, and on how to make long-term  social change in a nation that’s on the brink of collapse.   We barely scratch the surface of Bill’s amazingly interesting and productive life.  But what we cover in this jam-packed hour is worth every minute.

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