Progressive Radio Network

Green Power And Wellness

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 10.06.17

DANNY SHEEHAN and SARA NELSON start us off in Solartopia with CIA drug-dealing in Central America.  We focus on the new movie AMERICAN MADE with TOM CRUISE and its astounding depiction of BARRY SEAL, the dare-devil pilot who illegally flew guns to the fascist Contras while returning with large shipments of cocaine.  The whole Iran-Contra adventure reminds us that the US fought in Vietnam to empower heroin dealers in Saigon, and is now propping up poppy growers in Afghanistan.

With MARK SOMMER and PAUL KANGAS, we further discuss SOLARIZING PUERTO RICO & THE VIRGIN ISLANDS.  Mark explains how micro-gridding can work to quickly restore power there.  Sara stays with us to cover COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATION as it’s been organized in California.  Paul adds the story of small, modular solar houses competing in the solar decathlon in Colorado, and suggests the houses can now be shaped to the Caribbean.

This astounding exploration of the drug connection in America’s recent wars is long overdue.

The powerful connection between renewable energy and the re-vitalization of the Caribbean islands has just been confirmed by ELON MUSK, whose TESLA company is already sending renewable hardware.

These twin dialogs are once again at the cutting edge of getting to Solartopia.