Progressive Radio Network

Green Power And Wellness

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 12.22.16

Today we celebrate VICTORY AT STANDING ROCK with California-based activist and chi gong teacher VIVIENNE VERDON-ROE.  Vivienne has written a beautiful essay on the ceremonies surrounding the Standing Rock struggle in her hometown of Bolinas, and has circulated a new bumper sticker that says “Life is Fragile, Love is the Glue.”  Coming into her fabled town in another sign:  “We Still Have Each Other”.

We then revisit this year’s stolen election, with ELECTION PROTECTION activist LORI GRACE, my co-author and political scientist BOB FITRAKIS, and STEVE ROSENFELD of Alternet.  As we continue to sift through the debris of what’s left of American democracy, we look to new solutions for a badly broken system.