Progressive Radio Network


Steven Rosenfeld - Is Donald Trump Getting His Cues from Hitler? How the GOP Leader Is Following the Führer's Recipe

Donald Trump is an apparent fan of Adolf Hitler’s speeches.

That stunning but not entirely surprising revelation comes from his ex-wife Ivana, who told [3] Vanity Fair in a 1990 interview [4] that “from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed.” The magazine said Trump confirmed he got it from a film industry friend, Marty Davis. “I thought he would find it interesting,” Davis said. “I am his friend, but I’m not Jewish.”

Adolf Hitler’s My New Order is not just any book. It came after Hitler’s two-volume Mein Kampf (German for My Struggle), and was published in 1925 and 1926 before the Nazi rise to national power and World War II. It is not just a collection of excerpts from speeches Hitler made between 1918 and 1941; it is profusely indexed and filled with details about the speeches’ impact on the media and political establishment.

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