There are various states of consciousness, however meditation is one of the most important of them. It increases cardiovascular quality, lowers blood pressure, decreases anxiety and among quantum physicists is considered the fourth state of consciousness in which the entire brain is engaged. But it also does something very important — it increases wisdom.
A new study, “The Relationship between Mental and Somatic Practices and Wisdom,” published in PLOS ONE, confirms the age-old conception that meditation is associated with wisdom. Surprisingly, it also concludes that somatic (physical) practices such as classical ballet might lead to increased wisdom.
Meditation prevents stresses from getting into the bodily system and already pent up stresses are let out. Both happen simultaneously and we tap the source and joy of what we are. As this state consumes us more and more, we become happier, anything we see, we feel, we look at, becomes more intense and more beautiful. Each of our senses then does the job of all the other senses too. Our knowledge increase and becomes more intuitive. Our consciousness makes us feel that our body is part of the whole, part of the entire creation and the entire creation is part of us.