Progressive Radio Network

Walk Progressive

This Sunday, July 29, at 1 pm Gary Null is going to host two FREE discussions!

This Sunday, July 29, at 1 pm I am going to host two FREE discussions.

One will be for people who want to learn about “Intentional Communities,” what they are and how to participate.

The second discussion is for people who want to participate in quality of life retreats.

Many people over the age of 40 have few venues to go to engage in healthy socializing or living. As a result many individuals waste time sitting in front television sets and computer monitors.  Needless to say, this neither mentally nor physically healthy.


Separately, many young adults feel they do not fit in our postmodern society for a variety of reasons.  Their college degrees do not match the jobs available, they are in debt or they are fearful of pursuing an education because they fear taking on debt.

Consequently they are languishing, living with parents or in over-crowded apartments with other young adults in similar situations.


However, many of these people have excellent skills, ideas and creative imaginations and we will explore this in the “Intentional Communities” discussion.  This is an opportunity for like-minded people to learn about ways to escape the social death trap and connect at a more humanistic, holistic and creative level in community with others.

The discussion will be this Sunday, July 29 at 1 pm EST and I will be offering many ideas and approaches to both approaches.


There is no fee. This is strictly a public service.

Here is the Conference call number:


Dial-in number (712) 451-0200


Access code:  822543