The present Swedish debate about war refugees from the Middle East is an example of peer restricted expression. In the name of political correctness or perceived decency, any questioning of maximum generosity in opening Swedish borders for the refugees is indignantly rejected by the official mainstream. We have a humanitarian duty towards those who are forced to flee from areas ravaged by war, and there is no excuse for not opening our borders to them. – Sure.
BUT, what about exercising our brains and identifying the root of the evil? What about trying to stop the refugee problem from arising in the first place? – What about applying an overall holistic perspective to detect the real, original cause of the problem? – And demand that those who caused the problem also take care of its consequences? – And that they immediately stop causing any more of it?
Our politically mandated media will not discuss who is ultimately responsible for the endless stream of refugees. OK, they have us believe that it is all caused by terrorist organizations, by Muslim fanatics, against whom all the military might of the world is powerless.
And yet, we don´t need to be very brilliant or dig very deep to clearly see who and what is the real cause of today´s refugee problem.
- Who caused the devastation of Iraq with a million dead and many more mutilated, disabled, bereaved, and homeless? – Admittedly without reason or provocation.
- Who caused the same thing in Libya, and now in Syria?
- Not to mention Afghanistan and several more countries in Africa.