Progressive Radio Network


Sylvia Booth Hubbard - RFK Jr: Money Is Why Congress Is Stalling Autism Coverup Hearings

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. tells Newsmax Health that money is the reason Congress is delaying hearings on accusations that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hid a link between the mumps, measles, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism.”The pharmaceutical industry is a trillion dollar industry,” Kennedy said in an exclusive interview. “There are other trillion dollar industries, but not one that spends as much on Congress as it does.

“The pharmaceutical industry spends twice what the next biggest industry spends, which is oil and gas. They spend four times what defense and aeronautics spend.

“That kind of money — the money they spend in lobbying — buys a lot of influence,” he says. “It’s why congress people are scared to go against them. There’s just a lot of career fear.”

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