Yellowstone Earthquakes Reveal a Volcanic System Six Times Bigger Than We Thought

They have determined a deeper and much larger zone of hot rock acting as a feeder to the active reservoir capable of  erupting.  The original event for this volcanic plume was well to the west and produced a huge basaltic lave flow that covered a vast amount of country.  If as and when Yellowstone were to erupt, we can expect …

Fight of the Century: Localization in a Globalized World – Richard Heinberg

As the world economy crashes against debt and resource limits, many countries are responding by attempting to salvage what are actually their most expendable features—corrupt, insolvent banks and bloated militaries—while leaving the majority of their people to languish in “austerity.” This has resulted in a series of uprisings, taking a variety of forms in different nations. Such conditions and responses …