Patricia Negron and Koral Wynn joined me to discuss the all illnesses and overall harm caused to all Americans and the entire planet by the chemtrail spraying of chemicals and toxic metals by the Geoengineers. Also discussed the plan Trish came up with for us to try and stop this madness because exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering insanity …
Ben Gurion’s 1948 Letter: The Ethnic Cleansing Policy and Palestinians “Right of Return” By Jonathan Cook
Over many decades, Israel’s self-serving deceptions about the Nakba in 1948 have been exposed for the lies Palestinians already knew them to be. It was long accepted in the west that, as Israel claimed, Palestinians left their homes because they had been ordered to do so by neighbouring Arab leaders. The lie usefully distracted diplomats and scholars from the much more pertinent question of why Israel had refused to allow 750,000 Palestinian refugees to return to …