Other serious close calls In November 1979, a recorded scenario describing a Russian nuclear attack had been entered into the US warning system NORAD. The scenario was perceived as a real full-scale Soviet attack. Nuclear missiles and bombers were readied. After six minutes the mistake became obvious. After this incident new security routines were introduced. Despite these changed routines, less …
State in India Goes 100% Organic, Protects 75,000 Hectares of Land from GMOs
As of the end of December, 2015, Sikkim has become India’s first fully organic state in the country. Implementing organic farming practices on 75,000 hectares of land, the citizens of Sikkim will enjoy GMO-free, sustainable agriculture which will be certified organic. “We have achieved fully-organic status in the end of December. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will formally announce this at …
Government Is Using Secrecy As a Weapon
Everyone knows Lord Acton’s famous quote: Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But few have heard this equally profound quote from Lord Acton: Every thing secret degenerates, even the administration of justice; nothing is safe that does not show how it can bear discussion and publicity. Likewise, US Supreme Court Justice Brandeis said: Publicity is justly commended as a remedy for …