Joanna Hoyt – Here’s How Smart Homesteaders Avoid Cleaning Out Manure

Winter is coming, and for those of us who live in snowy climates the task of cleaning our barns and chicken coops is about to get more complicated. One solution is simply to stop cleaning out over the winter and try the deep-litter bedding approach. You’re probably already covering the floor of your stalls and coops with some kind of …

Global Alert News – 10.29.16

Defections from the ranks of the power structure continue to build. A group of CDC (Center for Disease Control) whistleblowers is now putting pressure on CDC management to start telling the truth about the systemic corruption and public deception that this government organization represents. Yet more truth-tellers will likely come forward as the CDC ship goes down. A Harvard University publication states this about climate engineering: “it can help us combat the worst effects of climate change.” How blatant can the betrayal from academia become? Massive geoengineering aerosol spraying operations around the globe continue decimate Eath’s climate and life support systems. A former NASA engineer (now working with Geoengineering Watch) gives an extremely alarming report on our disintegrating ozone layer (primarily caused by climate engineering). Madagascar is starving due to geoengineering induced record droughts. Rapidly rising sea levels are chewing away at Africa’s coastlines. Sea ice at both poles is at record low levels, and US generals say they can win WWlll with Russia. Where does this road lead? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below. Credibility is absolutely essential in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering, as well as the fight for the greater good. We must all abandon preconceptions and ideology in exchange for verifiable front-line facts. Anything short of this is completely counterproductive to the causes we claim to be fighting for. We must all stand on a foundation of facts, and make our voices heard.

Liz Ford – The world’s future hinges on supporting 10-year-old girls, says UN

Ten-year-old Daline enjoys reading, dancing and using her mother’s make up. And she loves school. Her favourite subject is chemistry. “When I was at primary school, my favourite subject was history,” she says. “But now that I am at secondary school, my new favourite subject is chemistry because it is easy to understand, because chemicals are easy to make, and …

JACK SMITH – Must They be Enemies? Russia, Putin and the US

Most Americans know very little about Russia, and what they do know is subverted by many decades of U.S. government anti-Soviet and anti-Russian propaganda. From 1917 to Dec. 26, 1991, when the USSR imploded, Washington depicted the Soviet Union as an immoral aggressor state seeking to destroy capitalism and freedom in the United States and rule the world. Again, from …

Tom Engelhardt – You Must Be Kidding! Adventures in an American World of Frustration

Recently, sorting through a pile of old children’s books, I came across a volume, That Makes Me Mad!, which brought back memories. Written by Steve Kroll, a long-dead friend, it focused on the eternally frustrating everyday adventures of Nina, a little girl whose life regularly meets commonplace roadblocks, at which point she always says… well, you can guess from the title!  Vivid …

Gail Tverberg – An Updated Version Of The “Peak Oil” Story

The Peak Oil story got some things right. Back in 1998, Colin Campbell and Jean Laherrère wrote an article published in Scientific American called, “The End of Cheap Oil.” In it they said: Our analysis of the discovery and production of oil fields around the world suggests that within the next decade, the supply of conventional oil will be unable to keep …

Resistance Radio – Dahr Jamail – 07.31.16

Dahr Jamail is an award winning journalist and author who is a full-time staff reporter for His work is currently focusing on Anthropogenic Climate Disruption. Today we talk about the murder of the oceans. Download this episode (right click and save)

Project Censored – 01.26.16

What role can civil disobedience play in the stuggle for social change? Peter explores this question with two guests: First, environmental organizer Tim DeChristopher recounts his experience interfering with a federal oil and gas lease auction, and how the legal doctrine of “necessity” can be used in environmental campaigns.

Then Sunsara Taylor discusses the right-wing effort to supress womens’ option of abortion, and the countercampaign
to protect reproductive choice.

Tim DeChristopher is a climate campaigner, and the founder of two climate-action organizations. He spent 21 months in prison for submitting a false bid at a federal oil and gas auction in Utah in 2008.

Sunsara Taylor is with, and also is a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party (

Larry Elliott – World Bank issues ‘perfect storm’ warning for 2016

The risk of the global economy being battered by a “perfect storm” in 2016 has been highlighted by the World Bank in a flagship report that warns that a synchronised slowdown in the biggest emerging markets could be intensified by a fresh bout of financial turmoil. The Bank said the possibility that Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – …