Progressive Radio Network

2010 Haiti earthquake

#1-Ten things expats need to know about prostitution and sex tourism in Latin America   #2- NEWS FLASH! Nicaragua has imposed new immigration regulations making…
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW- SUN, DEC 24th- #721, 12-24-2017: #1- Expats living on the water- the truth about having a boat in Latin America: It’s…
#1- How gringos and Expats in Latin America are making money in the cryptocurrency space. Today we discuss just how even here in Latin America…
THE EXPAT FILES SHOW #715, 12-03-2017 (SUN): #1- What gringos and expat needs to know about banking in Latin America: going beyond the basics. There…
#1- Latins are born litterbugs. They have a culture of littering. When you see it in action, you probably will most days, you will naturally…
#1- When Gringos and Expats kick the bucket in Latin America- Part 2: Dying, funerals and burial insurance are all very inexpensive in Latin America.…
Ellen Kamhi, PhD RN,, interviews CillaWhatcott , PhD, HD, RHom, CCH.  Dr. Whatcott  is a board-certified classical homeopath with a B.A. from Arizona State University, a diploma…
A full two-thirds of the earthquake casualties in Haiti on January 12, 2010 were directly due to policies that the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), World…
Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host, Nellie…
LONDON, 7 December, 2016 – Hurricanes could hit harder and more often along the northern Atlantic coast of the US. A new study based on…
Some 21,000 children die every day around the world. That is equivalent to: 1 child dying every 4 seconds 14 children dying every minute A…
#1- Why do so many Gringo Expat con-artists home in on newbee gringo arrivals? Gringo con artists were newbees once upom a time too and…