Connect The Dots – Popular Resistance on the 2016 Election – 06.29.16

Popular Resistance on the 2016 Election:

Listen to Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese, activists and co-founders of Popular Resistance, organizers against the TPP and the Global trade trojan in conversation with Alison Rose Levy about this primary season, this election, third parties and the fate of democracy and the earth.

Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman – Why Can’t the Nation & the Left Deal With Election Theft?

There are two things we all need to know about the upcoming 2016 election:
1. Millions of likely Democratic voters have already been stripped from the voter rolls in critical states like Ohio. The key reporting on this has been done by the great Greg Palast, who has shown that a computer program coordinated by the Republican secretary of state of Kansas is being used in some two dozen states to steal from a substantial percentage of the citizenry their right to vote. The raw numbers are high enough that they could have a significant impact on the presidential, US Senate, House and many other elections this fall. The ACLU has now sued Jon Husted, Ohio’s secretary of state, over the stripping of two million citizens from Ohio’s voter rolls.