Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 01.11.18

ELECTION THEFT AT THE SUPREME COURT & HOMELAND SECURITY Election protection heroes Bob Fitrakis, Chris Sautter and John Brakey join us in Solartopia to discuss the hugely important upcoming Supreme Court decision on voter suppression in Ohio.  The Court will decide whether secretaries of state like Jon Husted could eliminate millions of suspected Democrats from the voter rolls based primarily …

Leid Stories—The Clinton Foundation: FBI Probe Deepens, Noose Tightens—01.09.18

A wide-ranging FBI probe into the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation (The Clinton Foundation), reportedly launched months before formal confirmation last week, is raising new questions about whether it initially was impeded by Clinton and Obama loyalists within the Trump administration. Even so, it appears that the   investigation into foundation has reached a critical point, and the public may …


Mark covers a gamut of material from the NFL and Apple to events that touched all of us in some capacity in 2017.  Mark reminisces about his NYC New Years Eve past debaucheries to how his corporate and school talks continually fuel him to empower others through his vast talks. Have Mark speak at your company or organization to increase …

Connect The Dots – How to Secure Our Votes – 12.27.17

How to Secure Our Votes: Listen to Lulu Friesdat, investigative journalist, who in researching election integrity for the last few years, presents new findings on the Florida Congressional primary of 2016 between Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Tom Canova, revealing that there were ample voter irregularities— in conversation with Alison Rose Levy. Download this episode (right click and save)

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 11.30.17

ALABAMA, ELECTION THEFT AND THE DYING DEMOCRATS are our Solartopian stuff as we’re joined by STEVEN ROSENFELD, SUSIE SHANNON and JOHN BRAKEY. Steve is a reporter for Alternet who’s written extensively on election theft. SUSIE is a Bernie delegate from California to the Democratic National Committee. John is one of America’s truly great election protection activists. Together we explore the …

The Torch – 11.26.17

What are the Paradise Papers? The document dump that shocked the world again with the vast network of tax havens and money laundering organizations that link the .1% in the biggest tax dodge in world history. Sports, figures, artists, banks and hedge funds have parked assets and intellectual property off-shore stiffing schools, infrastructure and public utilities which depend on our …

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 11.15.17

According to my guest, investigative journalist Jon Rappoport, the opioid epidemic is much more than an epidemic–it is a criminal conspiracy. He describes how the US Congress, FDA, DEA and Justice Department have systematically refused or failed to deal with the sources of the flood of pain medications knowingly over-produced and misdirected into the addiction market by the Pharmaceutical Industry. …

Tonight on “The Intelligence Hour With Kevin Shipp” at 6pm est

“On this edition of The Intelligence Hour, host Kevin Shipp discusses the controversy surrounding the Trump-Russia collusion, “Dossier.”  Mr. Shipp analyzes the facts surrounding the dossier and presents shocking evidence that information in the document was provided by paid Russian intelligence officers, paid for in part by the FBI, leaked as, “intelligence” by the CIA and used by the FBI to obtain approval …

Leid Stories—Hillary the ‘Foundation’ of Current Democratic Party Woes?—11.06.17

Hillary Clinton is unmasked as a political hijacker in Donna Brazile’s Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns that Put Donald Trump in the White House, being released tomorrow. Brazile, a longtime Democratic Party strategist and cam-paign manager, claims that when she temporarily headed the Democratic National Committee, she discovered that Clinton, by then building her 2016 presidential campaign, was …

The Intelligence Hour with Kevin Shipp – 11.06.17

“On this edition of The Intelligence Hour, host Kevin Shipp discusses the controversy surrounding the Trump-Russia collusion, “Dossier.”  Mr. Shipp analyzes the facts surrounding the dossier and presents shocking evidence that information in the document was provided by paid Russian intelligence officers, paid for in part by the FBI, leaked as, “intelligence” by the CIA and used by the FBI to obtain approval …