Focus On The Facts – 05.07.18

Patricia Negron and Koral Wynn joined me to discuss the all illnesses and overall harm caused to all Americans and the entire planet by the chemtrail spraying of chemicals and toxic metals by the Geoengineers. Also discussed the plan Trish came up with for us to try and stop this madness because exposing and halting the ongoing climate engineering insanity …

What Women Must Know – We live in a wireless world . What what exactly are the consequences to our health from our love affair with all things wireless? – 05.11.17

This week my guest on What Women Must Know  is Daniel DeBaun, an internationally recognized and influential expert in in EMF radiation, related health issues, and shielding. He has a a particular focus on the effect of exposure from mobile devices such as laptops, tablets, and cell phones electronic devices. Daniel’s concern regarding the health impact of EMF emissions grew from …

Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez warned us about the health risks from EMF pollution

Weeks before his untimely death in July 2015, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D., met with Camilla Rees, founder of ElectroMagneticHealth, to discuss his concerns about the proliferation of wireless technologies found in our everyday life and their link to serious health concerns, including cancer. We, at NaturalHealth365, appreciate the opportunity to share some of Dr. Gonzalez’s knowledge of this critical, often controversial, issue. Watch the video – …

Let’s Create A Better World – 12.05.15

Dr. Peggy Martin and Kevin Mottus are our the guests today on “Let’s Create a Better World” with host Bobby Ellias and co-host Stefan Rudolph.

Kevin Mottus discusses the true negative effects of cell phones and wireless transmission. The huge growing effects of diseases such as cancer and more do to cell phone use. Kevin’s gives facts and advice on how minimizing wireless exposure is a necessity for us to focus on these days.

Dr. Peggy Martin discusses proper eating habits for having a healthy holiday season, along with the side effects of processed food and holistic healing for depression and more. Discussion on nutrition, increasing our knowledge of food, eating in moderation, and being able to enjoy the holidays without overdoing it in all areas. Focus on holistic healing for depression

Eleni Roumeliotou – Male Infertility and Cellular Phones

Infertility rates are higher than ever, as is usage of cell phones. Yet, in the scientific literature, it is widely accepted and unanimously agreed on that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones harms male sperm in many different ways.  We are probably living in the prime time of cellular phones; it’s practically impossible to find a person without (at least) one. Surely, …

A Just Cause – Fighting for Criminal Justice Reform – 11.22.15

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks talks to Our Guests Advocates for Criminal Justice Reform: Charles Mittelstadt, Criminal Defense Investigator, Founder of The Mittelstadt Firm & 13 ½ Foundation, Inc., Bernard Kerik, Former 40th Police Commissioner, City of New York, and Joseph Nacchio, Former Chairman & CEO of Qwest Communications.

Resistance Radio – Suprabha Seshan – 10.11.15

Suprabha Seshan has lived and worked for twenty-two years at the Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary in the Western Ghat mountains of India. The Sanctuary is a centre for plant conservation, habitat restoration and environmental education and also a community. In 2006, on behalf of the Sanctuary she won the Whitley Award, UK’s top prize for nature conservation. She is an Ashoka Fellow. Her current focus is the restoration of one of India’s most endangered ecosystems: the high elevation shola grasslands.

Let’s Create A Better World – 08.08.15

Guest: Liz Barris; EMF, Wireless Radiation Activist

Liz talked about Electro Magnetic Frequency Pollution that surrounds most of us everywhere all the time which negatively affects our health. This includes Smart Meters that the power companies are installing on people’s homes, cell phones, cell phone towers, the dangers in trains and recreational vehicles (RV’s), outside electrical wiring, indoor and outdoor wi-fi, cordless home landline phones and more. Some people are very sensitive to these and can get very sick. Others are not aware how it’s affecting them. Liz is warning us, the Public, of what we need to know about these harmful radioactive sources.