Tragedy and Hope returns with Meria Heller and Richard Grove. They speak about Little Lucas, Another reason to do what we do, Freedom/Tyranny/Collectivism, Political correctness, First amendment (tee shirts here), Elections – voting for slavery, True History, Project Constellation, Secrets being revealed, ”Lords of War”-Anglo-American establishment, BRICS nations, Zika and Olympics-experiment? Listening to the noise instead of the signal, Brave New World, Dystopia or Utopia, Rothschilds, World War 3 and economy, Smedley Butler, All wars are bankers wars, CFR, 9/11/01, Saudi’s on 9/11 and much more.
Meria Heller Show – 05.01.16
Born In the 1940’s We Remember with Meria Heller and Jim Fetzer.
Remember when we trusted government? Rigged elections, Bernie & Trump, Hillary and Libya, 9/11/01 the excuse to destabilize 7 countries, Chelsea on 2nd Amendment and her mother, Iran, AIPAC, Obamacare-premiums rising, Dental care? Where are the required handicapped parked spots at Sandy Hook? Where were the EMT’s/ambulances? Adam Lanza’s shrink arrested, Boston-9/11, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino-gun control, The 28 pages/Saudi Arabia/Obama, Las Vegas then and now, San Diego then and now, Trumps foreign policy speech, Tritium and other nuclear chemicals at Ground Zero, Cruz/Fiorina? Adulterer and Evangelical? Cyber attacks and much more.