LIVE Webinar With Dr.Gary Null on The Big Three: Diabetes, Heart Disease and Obesity LIVE WEBINAR WITH GARY NULL: Sunday, June 3 at 6.00 PM ET Registration will be closed on Sunday, June 3 at 4 PM ET The webinar will feature parts of the 3 documentaries by Gary Null: 1. Reversing Heart Disease & Stroke Naturally 2. Preventing & Reversing Diabetes Naturally 3. It’s Not Your Fault You’re Fat Each part will …
Progressive Commentary Hour – 02.07.18
An deep view into the FBI and its role in the Steele dossier and the aftermath Coleen Rowley is a former FBI special agent who was with the agency for 24 years. From 1990 to 2003, she was the Chief Division Counsel operating out of Minneapolis. In May 2002, she blew the whistle and later testified before the Senate …
The Gary Null Show – 05.17.17
the need for a new paradigm and global revolution in agriculture to bring our soil back to life and preserve food security Prof. David Montgomery is a geomorphologist & environmentalist in the Earth and Space Sciences division at the University of Washington’s College of the Environment in Seattle. Dave specializes in the evolution of geological topography and the influence of geomorphological processes …
Expat Files – 01.20.17
#1- A little peak behind the scenes at Johnny’s latest January 2017 “Expat Insider” Seminar: the good, bad, ugly and the great.
It was all of that… even some ugly too.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. – Mounting Evidence Links Lead, Mercury and Arsenic to Autism
In November 2016, I reported on six studies that found strong relationships between biomarkers for mercury toxicity in children with autism including a direct correlation between the levels of mercury toxicity and the severity of autism symptoms. Those findings are supported by recent research that links industrial exposures of lead, mercury and arsenic to the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder …
Dr. Eowyn – New study finds link between child vaccination and autism – CENSORED
The much-maligned anti-vaccine movement is fueled, in good part, by parents’ suspicion that childhood vaccination causes autism. The clinical term is Autism Spectrum Disorder: a developmental disability that ranges from mild disabilities of speech and language impairments, to serious developmental disabilities such as cerebral palsy and autism. Read more
Economic Update – “Xmas vs Economic Realities” – 12.25.16
“Updates on politicians lying about economics, fines for big banks, Maine votes left, int students come less to US, Pebble Mine struggle, fading American dream. Major discussions of (1) Xmas spirit vs deporting immigrants, (2) the only way to rescue and rebuild the US “middle class” and (3) raising capital for worker coops.”