Jennifer Lahl is founder and president of The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network. Lahl couples her 25 years of experience as a pediatric critical care nurse, a hospital administrator, and a senior-level nursing manager with a deep passion to speak for those who have no voice. She is called upon to speak alongside lawmakers and members of the scientific community, even being invited to speak to members of the European Parliament in Brussels to address issues of egg trafficking. She serves on the North American Editorial Board for Ethics and Medicine. She made her writing and directing debut producing the documentary film Eggsploitation, which has been awarded Best Documentary by the California Independent Film Festival and has sold in more than 30 countries. She is also Director, Executive Producer, and Co-Writer of Anonymous Father’s Day, a documentary film exploring the stories of women and men who were created by anonymous sperm donation. Her latest film, Breeders: A Subclass of Women? on surrogacy, was released January 2014, and completes the trilogy of films exploring the ethics of third-party reproduction.
It’s All About Food – Bob Comis, The Last Pig – 11.03.15
Part I: Bob Comis, The Last Pig
For the first few decades of his life, Bob Comis was oblivious to the suffering of non-human (and human) animals. Thanks to the courage and bravery of undercover investigators who secretly capture and share footage of the twin horrors of factory farming and industrial slaughter, Bob was roused from his ignorance. He became a vegan, but quickly failed. Then he became a humane pig farmer, and quickly succeeded. He raised pigs for slaughter for ten years, until one day in January, 2014 a powerful vibration of empathy, compassion, and love overwhelmed him, and with the strength of the universal goodness that is our unfettered state of being behind him, he decided to quit pig farming, start a vegetable farm, and become a vegetarian (vegan, in January 2015). Today, when Bob pulls a beet out of the ground, or unearths a brilliant cluster of potatoes he is able to be fully present, which is very much the opposite of his experience when he farmed pigs, which he did from a distance, divorced from the moment, disconnected from himself. Bob is the subject of the upcoming documentary film “The Last Pig” by filmmakers Allison Argo and Joseph Brunette.
What Women Must Know – The Shocking Discovery Proving the Harmful Health Effects from EMFs with Dr. Martin Pall – 10.08.15
Professor Pall noted that it has been known and accepted for more than 40 years that Pulsed Fields are more Bio-Active than non-pulsed and his study showed that pulsed electrical energy does affect cells in non-thermal conditions. So much for the fraudulent claims of regulators and the industry. ALL our WiFi, Cellphones, Cordless DECT telephones, Radio Baby monitors, Smart Meters and the like have a very real potential to do massive and possibly irreversible harm to biological entities such as humans.
Learn the risks and the practical strategies that can help protect you.
Dr. Martin L. Pall, PhD is a Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington State University, and author of the acclaimed book “Explaining ‘Unexplained Illnesses’: Disease Paradigm for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Gulf War Syndrome”. He published an important paper on how electromagnetic fields ( EMFs) impact the cells of our bodies The study was honored by inclusion at the “ Global Medical Discovery as one of the top publications of 2013.
Lifeboat Hour – 07.31.15
Carolyn and Mark Matousek discuss his work with helping people transform through telling the truth about their own personal stories. Download this episode (right click and save)
Faking It While the World Burns By Emily Schwartz Greco
Rex Tillerson, of all people, just did the climate movement a big favor. He didn’t hand the Sierra Club tens of millions of dollars to fight the coal industry like former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg. Nor did the chairman and CEO of Exxon Mobil follow former hedge fund investor Tom Steyer‘s lead by giving political candidates with climate cred campaign …
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