Noam Chomsky – American Power Under Challenge

[This piece, the first of two parts, is excerpted from Noam Chomsky’s new book, Who Rules the World? (Metropolitan Books).  Part 2 will be posted on Tuesday morning.] When we ask “Who rules the world?” we commonly adopt the standard convention that the actors in world affairs are states, primarily the great powers, and we consider their decisions and the relations among them. …

Noam Chomsky Predicted the Rise of Trump Six Years Ago

In an interview with Chris Hedges in 2010, Noam Chomsky, the world-renowned linguist and dissident intellectual, remarked that he has “never seen anything like this.” By this, he meant the state of American society, relative to the time in which he was raised — the Depression years — and to the tumultuous state of Europe during that same period. “It is very similar …

Report: US medicine spending up 8.5 percent 2015

U.S. spending on prescription drugs rose 8.5 percent last year, slightly less than in 2014, driven mainly by growing use of ultra-expensive new drugs and price hikes on other medicines. A report from data firm IMS Health estimates patients, insurers, government programs and other payers spent a combined $309.5 billion last year on prescription medicines. The IMS Institute for Healthcare …

Mark Greene – Why Manning Up Is the Worst Thing to Do

The traditional rules about how to be a “real man” in America are breaking down. Economic upheaval has shifted wage earning from men to their wives or partners. The rise of men as primary caregivers of their children is challenging our most fundamental assumptions about gender. The gay rights and trans rights movements are creating expansive new definitions of masculinity. …

Love Lust And Laughter – 09.08.15

April Masini and Dr. Diana enjoyed another provocative, informative conversation on the air. Go to so that you can see what a beautiful a woman she is! But, what makes her relationship advice website so successful is that she’s also very smart – in general and about relationships. Ask April is an interactive advice forum where over 20,000 original consumer relationship questions have been posted and answered. Topics for this program included: adding value to another’s life, changing one’s attitude in order to cure a fear of rejection, and aspects of attraction. April has authored four books, and Dr. Diana even has a chapter in one of them!

Laws to Shut People Up on Animal Abuse, Now Used to Cover Up Day Care & Nursing Home Abuse – John Vibes

First they came for the animal rights activists….. A recent report pointed out that laws which are used to prevent animal rights activists from exposing inhumane practices at factory farms, can also be used to prevent whistleblowers that attempt to expose corruption at other facilities, like daycare centers or nursing homes, for example. The controversial ag-gag laws do not just …

Eight nutrients to protect the aging brain

Brain health is the second most important component in maintaining a healthy lifestyle according to a 2014 AARP study. As people age they can experience a range of cognitive issues from decreased critical thinking to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. In the March issue of Food Technology published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), contributing editor Linda Milo Ohr writes …

Epigenetics and Memory

Every cell in the human body is under the command of DNA—the blueprint that determines whether you’ll be a righty or a lefty, short or tall, and many other things. And while our genetic makeup is fixed, our epigenes can be influenced to activate or deactivate certain segments of DNA—in essence changing how the “code” is read. When it comes …