If you have an interest in hormones and your health you cannot miss this show by Dr. Michael Wald! Nutritional Endocrinology is a masterpiece of information and practical application of how to impact your hormones to age better. Dr. Wald will explore questions like – How do your foods impact your hormone levels? Which foods increase your longevity hormones and which foods increase your aging hormones? Are natural hormones really safe? What are adverse affects of synthetic hormones and can diet and nutritional supplements reduce pro-cancerous changes? How do I improve my thyroid, adrenal and pituitary hormones so that I feel better and achieve greater mental clarity, more energy and extend my quality of life? Dr. Michael Wald is director of Longevity at Integrated Nutrition of Mount Kisco in Westchester New York. He can be reached at: 914-242-8844/www.IntegratedNutritionNY.com/info@BloodDetective.com.
Why New Crohn’s Disease Vaccine is a Mistake
A Crohn’s disease vaccination is being developed by a researcher in Great Britain. The vaccine targets MAP, a bacteria found in 80% of Crohn’s sufferers. The vaccine aims to help stimulate the body to eliminate MAP, and thus cure those suffering with Crohn’s disease. [1] While the intent of the researcher may be honorable, it is highly debatable whether another …
Report of recurrent immune thrombocytopenia after flu shot
Uri Hamiel, M.D., from the Assaf Harofeh Medical Center in Zerifin, Israel, and colleagues present the case of a child with three occurrences of ITP, each of which occurred within one week of receiving an influenza trivalent inactivated vaccine. The authors note that the patient presented at age 4.5 years with cutaneous and mucosal bleeding. He had a decreased platelet …
Why the Sun Is Necessary for Optimal Health
How is it that sunlight, once regarded as a divine power in some cultures, has come to be classified as a Class 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization (WHO)? This is a question posed by photobiologist Dr. Alexander Wunsch, CEO of Medical Light Consulting in Heidelberg, Germany. It’s a fundamental one because it shows the dichotomy between sunlight in …
Study links protein in wheat to chronic inflammation conditions
Consuming a family of proteins found in wheat can lead to a host of chronic health conditions, United European Gastroenterology scientists say in a study. The research turns the focus away from gluten, typically linked to various digestive problems, to a family of proteins called amylase-trypsin inhibitors, or ATIs. According to scientists involved with the study, the proteins trigger inflammation …