Bernie Sanders has expressed nothing but praise for the Scandinavian countries. During the first Democratic debate he stated: “I think we should look to countries…
The magical religion of Firstism in America has two regressive, infantile manifestations. For decades, rightwing chauvinism has worshipped America Firstism. Because the US is always…
This is Part 2 of a three-part series on the insidious techniques of trolls, spooks, feds, saboteurs, provocateurs, disinformants — whatever you wish to call…
Truth seekers who long ago figured out that mainstream media is all lies and staged news coordinated by central intelligence (CIA) to manipulate the opinion…
Dirty Water, Dirty Politics: An Update on the Crisis in Flint Hell in Haiti: Hillary Clinton’s Other Presidential Election In August 2014, Curt Guyette, an…
China isn’t facing a "cataclysmic" economic slowdown and last week’s market turmoil was more about badly designed stock market circuit breakers, said Nobel-prize-winning economist Joseph…
On Monday December 21, students from Livingston High School joined Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an American scientist with a PhD in systems biology from MIT, to debate…