This show marked the beginning of an era: Cory Morningstar began as new co-host. We reviewed the history of the show, talked about Cory’s ongoing, radical work, checked in with Australian correspondent Serena, and took calls from listeners. Download this episode (right click and save)
Economic Update – Why Worker Coops – 05.14.17
Updates on Australian govt taxes big banks, big banks fund Dakota Access Pipeline, meaning of French elections, Trump/GOP want to end estate taxes, rising role of monopoly in US economy. Interview with Prof. Jessica Gordon Nembhard, historian of worker coops and African-American community, on “why worker coops.” Download this episode (right click and save)
Resistance Radio – Brigitte Stevens – 11.20.16
Brigitte Stevens is a Steven Irwin protégé who fell in love with an orphan wombat, sold her properties, left her family and friends and moved 2500 kilometres to establish the only free range, cage free wombat sanctuary. Brigitte and her friend Clare are the only people in the world who live within a community of wombats and are at the forefront of wombat advocacy.
Meditations and Molotovs – 10.03.16
On today’s program, Vince is joined in studio by Samantha Castro, the Operations Coordinator for Friends of the Earth (Melbourne, Australia). Vince and Samantha talk about ecology, feminism and how to build more effective political movements.
Your brain might be hard-wired for altruism
 PRINT  E-MAIL It’s an age-old quandary: Are we born “noble savages” whose best intentions are corrupted by civilization, as the 18th century Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau contended? Or are we fundamentally selfish brutes who need civilization to rein in our base impulses, as the 17th century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes argued? After exploring the areas of the brain that fuel our …
Your brain might be hard-wired for altruism
It’s an age-old quandary: Are we born “noble savages” whose best intentions are corrupted by civilization, as the 18th century Swiss philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau contended? Or are we fundamentally selfish brutes who need civilization to rein in our base impulses, as the 17th century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes argued? After exploring the areas of the brain that fuel our empathetic …
Electromagnetic and Informational Weapons: The Remote Manipulation of the Human Brain By Mojmir Babacek
This important article first published by GR in August 2004 brings  to the forefront the role of Psychotronic weapons as an instrument of modern warfare. It should be understood, that Electromagnetic and Informational Weapons are fully operational and could be used by US-NATO in their ongoing wars in the Middle East. In October 2000, Congressman Denis J. Kucinich introduced in …