Donald Trump is winning Republican presidential primaries at such a great rate that he seems likely to become the next Republican presidential nominee and perhaps the next president. Democrats have little understanding of why he is winning — and winning handily, and even many Republicans don’t see him as a Republican and are trying to stop him, but don’t know …
Abortion booklets from states are misinforming women
NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. – Women considering abortions are getting medically inaccurate information nearly a third of the time in states that require doctors to provide informed consent materials to their patients, according to a Rutgers study. The study, “Informed or Misinformed Consent? Abortion Policy in the United States,” analyzed statements about embryological and fetal development from information booklets produced by …
Interview with Pam Koch from the Tisch Food Center– 02.11.16
Pam Koch is the Executive Director and Research Associate Professor of Nutrition Education at the Tisch Center for Food. She conducts research about the connections between a just, sustainable food system and healthy eating, and she translates her findings into useful resources for educators and policy makers.
Pam is the primary author of the three Linking Food and the Environment (LiFE) curriculum series books: Growing Food; Farm to Table & Beyond, and Choice, Control & Change. Pam speaks about nutrition education and sustainable food systems at meetings and conferences across the country. She also collaborates with several groups that are working to increase access to healthy, sustainable food around New York City, including Wellness in the Schools, Edible Schoolyard, and Food Corps. She completed her BS and MS degrees in nutrition at Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, and her EdD and RD from Teachers College, Columbia University.
Less than 30% of Congress Admits to Vaccinating Their OWN KIDS!!! a story released yesterday, NBC “News” reports on the results of their poll to United States Congressmen and Congresswomen. NBC asked our nation’s leaders, “Are your kids vaccinated?” Here are the results of the poll: Out of 434 members of the House of Representatives, 121 responded affirmatively, indicating “Yes. My children are vaccinated.” That’s less than 30% – 27.65% to be …
New study sheds light on what happens to women who are denied abortions –
In the US, there are many laws limiting when and how women can receive abortions. But there is almost no research on what happens to women who seek out abortions and are denied them. Now a team of health researchers at the University of California, San Francisco has completed a longitudinal study of a group they call “Turnaways,” women who tried and failed to get abortions …
Attack on Vaccine Choice Rolls East
As we predicted, more states are following in the footsteps of California and restricting parents’ freedom to protect their children’s health. Check below to see if your state is one of them. State-based Action Alerts! New York is considering a bill, S6017, that would eliminate all non-medical exemptions to vaccination. According to news coverage, Assembleyman Jeffrey Dinowitz, the bill’s sponsor, said …
kristina marusic – Almost 400 Anti-Abortion Bills Were Introduced In The U.S. In 2015
Choosing whether or not to have children is a constitutional right for women in the U.S. Since anti-choice activists can’t undo the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that recognized that fact, they’ve partnered with lawmakers across the country in their efforts to gradually chip away at that right on a state-by-state level — with an alarming rate of aggressiveness in 2015. According to a …
A Just Cause – Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Former Counsel Ron LeGrand – 12.13.15
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks talks to Our Special Guest Former Counsel Ron LeGrand to the U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security and Investigations.
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 12.10.15
PLANNED PARENTHOOD UNDER ATTACK!!!! We hear all about it from KATHY KNEER, head of California’s powerful Planned Parenthood organization, which runs more than 100 women’s health clinics throughout the nation’s largest state.
Kathy dissects for us the vicious attack being waged on womens’ medical services by right-wing fanatics. With control of both houses of Congress, the Republicans have finally passed anti-female legislation that goes far beyond abortion, denying women access to contraception and basic health care.
Kathy also tells us about the vile, cynical use of crudely distorted videos that undercut Planned Parenthood’s sterling reputation with the goal of ending this long-standing organization’s ability to provide basic services to women.
SHEILA PARKS also joins us for a discussion of the impact of electronically stolen elections on the future of women’s health care.
If you are at all concerned about health services for our nation’s females, do not miss this show.
Dr. Gary G. Kohls – Understanding “Radicalization”, “Terrorism” and Xenophobia in America
Violence can only be concealed by a lie, and the lie can only be maintained by violence. Any man(or nation) who has once proclaimed violence as his method is inevitably forced to take the lie as his principle. –– Alexander Solzhenitsyn So it seems that all the Republicans running for president (and their supporters) are ignorant about the root causes of “radicalization” and …