A NEW ERA OF ELECTION PROTECTION comes to Solartopia with three great experts. JOHN BRAKEY has been stumping the nation inspecting voting machines and advocating for paper ballots counted electronically, with a ballot image stored in the machines. Simultaneously a paper ballot is produced and stored for verification. He’s been joined in advocating this technology by TIM WHITE, long-time election …
What Women Must Know – The Amazing Healing Power of Tourmaline with Dr. Michael Evangel and Fred Dombrow – 02.15.18
Dr. Mike taught science for 6 years starting in 1975, while he earned a Master’s Degree in Environmental Health. Dr. Evangel has been a practicing chiropractic physician since 1986. He is a 7th degree black belt in tae kwon do. He was invited by the South Korean National Tae Kwon Do Team to be their attending physician at the Asian …
Global Alert News – 11.12.16
Who is really pulling the strings of the government?
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 10.13.16
ELECTION PROTECTION is our concern again as we’re joined by GREG PALAST, BOB FITRAKIS and JOHN BRAKEY.
Leid Stories—Haiti Reels from Hurricane Matthew; Politics: Why Do We Continue to Play Their Game?—10.05.16
This election year, an absolute stinker for millions of voters who feel compelled, nonetheless, to do their “civic duty” and vote, should be a year of reckoning. It should be the year we answer the question: Why do we continue to play their game?
Leid Stories explores and debates the question with listeners.
Connect The Dots – From AIM and Spectra to Dakota Access- Connecting the Pipelines – 10.05.16
Listen to Rachel Marco-Havens a solutionary artist, performer, creative entrepreneur and community organizer who works with Earth Injustice about the mounting nationwide resistance to dirty fuel pipelines e in conversation with Alison Rose Levy.
Henry Giroux on the Pathology of Politics in our Warfare State
Henry Giroux on the Pathology of Politics in our Warfare State September 23, 2016 Editor’s note: Living as we do in the 15th year of the war that began with Afghanistan and Iraq and has now spread to Syria, Yemen, Libya, etc. it is sometimes possible for many of us to accept the militarization of our society as just normal. …
Leid Stories—Election 2016: So, Just Where the Heck Are We?—08.03.16
Leid Stories checks the political pulse today, in the midst of extraordinary developments in Election 2016—more so to measure our recognition of how the political landscape is changing, and our attitudes and choices along with it.
Greg Palast – New York voting fiasco just the warm-up for the November game
Buckle up, America. The voting demolition derby that was the New York primary on Tuesday was merely the crash test for the coming voting wreckage in November: a carefully planned pile up. First, live from New York”. Francesca Rheannon, whom you may know as the host of Writers’ Voice radio, did the civic thing by volunteering to work the polls in a …
Political Dark Money Just Got Darker
As untold millions of dollars pour into the shadowy campaign troughs of the presidential candidates, voters need to be reminded of the rosy assumptions of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision that legitimized the new spending frenzy. In allowing unlimited spending on candidates by corporations and unions, the court’s decision, in 2010, blithely pronounced, “A campaign finance system that pairs corporate independent …