The Conspiracy Guy – 07.19.17

Conspiracy Guy Show #34: Proof continues to mount that the meeting between Donald Trump, Jr., and a Russian lawyer (who was not connected to the Kremlin) was set up by Ron Goldstone, with an email that laid out all the elements the MSM has been using to pillory Jr. and the President, none of which has any substance. It even …

Leid Stories—Ex-Justice Official: Real Justice in Short Supply at U.S. Department of Justice—06.20.17

Sidney Powell’s decades-long experience as a noted litigator in the U.S. Department of Justice and as a lawyer in private practice has taught her one very important thing about the American justice system: Justice is not “for all.” Powell, a prolific writer of tomes that expose and sharply attack the often oppressive nature of the relationship between the justice system …

Tom Engelhardt – Tomgram: Engelhardt, Through the Gates of Hell

The one thing you could say about empires is that, at or near their height, they have always represented a principle of order as well as domination.  So here’s the confounding thing about the American version of empire in the years when this country was often referred to as “the sole superpower,” when it was putting more money into its …