It has long been an article of faith that despite whatever slipups it might make along the way in pursuit of its foreign policy, the United States is always motivated by a sincerely held desire to promote democracy and human rights around the world, which, in turn, is seen as vital in ensuring global stability and prosperity. The roots of …
The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – 09.08.15
Ellen Kamhi PhD RN,, interviews Mr. Alex Lubarsky. Alex was born in the former USSR. After implementing wellness medicine for his own healing, he founded the Health Media Group that brings the message of good medicine, hope and healing to thousands of individuals who have had the pleasure of attending the over 50 live events he has produced over the last decade, as well as millions he has reached via many channels of communication, both print and digital. Alex supports wellness oriented healers through avenues of entrepreneurship and concepts in market driven health care. He has had the honor of hosting some of the top names in health and fitness, including Suzanne Somers, Carol Alt and the legendary Jack LaLanne.
On today’s show, we will review concepts in creativity, grit and determination outlined in Alex’s book : The Art of Selling The Art of Healing: How the Rebels of Today are Creating the Health Care of Tomorrow; and why your Life Depends on it. Contact: 516.596.8974 / /
Project Censored – 08.25.15
In a remarkable case study of censorship, author and political cartoonist Ted Rall recounts how he was dropped from the Los Angeles Times, purportedly for giving an untrue account of a 2001 encounter with an LAPD officer, who cited Rall for jaywalking. As he refutes the ‘evidence’ behind his dismissal, Rall also points out links between the Times, the LAPD, and the police union, raising questions about how decisions are made at one of the “big three” U.S. newspapers.
Interview with Elizabeth Henderson – Author, Sharing the Harvest: A Citizen’s Guide to Community Supported Agriculture – 08.20.15
Elizabeth Henderson farmed at Peacework Farm in Wayne County, New York, producing organically grown vegetables for the fresh market for over 30 years. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York (NOFA-NY), co-chairs the Policy Committee, and represents the NOFA Interstate Council on the Board of the Agricultural Justice Project. For 20 years, from 1993 – 2013, she chaired the Agricultural Development Board in Wayne County and took an active role in creating the Farming and Farmland Protection Plan for the county. In 2001, the organic industry honored her with one of the first “Spirit of Organic awards, in 2007, Abundance Co-op honored her with the “Cooperating for Communities” award and in 2009 NOFA-NY honored her with a Lifetime Achievement Award and then a Golden Carrot in 2013. In 2014 Eco-Farm presented her with their “Advocate of Social Justice Award, the Justie.” Her writings on organic agriculture appear in The Natural Farmer and other publications, and she is the lead author of Sharing the Harvest: A Citizen’s Guide to Community Supported Agriculture (Chelsea Green, 2007). She also wrote A Food Book for a Sustainable Harvest for the members of Peacework Organic Community Supported Agriculture (aka GVOCSA) in its twenty seventh year in 2015.
Consciousness after clinical death. The biggest ever scientific study published
Southampton University scientists have found evidence that awareness continue for at least several minutes after clinical death which was previously thought impossible. A recent article in British newspaper The Daily Mail (1) featured an interview with Dr. Sam Parnia, with the lead “Consciousness may continue even after death, scientists now believe”. Sam Parnia is head of a multidisciplinary team at …
Liberalism’s Death Bell Tolls, Part 3: J’accuse la gauche liberale
Liberalism’s Death Bell Tolls, Part 3: J’accuse la gauche liberale Richard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, March 6, 2013 It is past the time for liberalism to continue to function without a human face. It is time for it to stand accused alongside the conservative and religious right as an ideology dedicated to disaster capitalism, ecological demolition, …
The Cognitive Short-Circuit of “Artificial Consciousness” – Bernardo Kastrup
The new sci-fi film Ex_Machina has been teasing back into the cultural dialogue dreams of artificial consciousness: the idea that we humans, through the Faustian power of technology, can birth into being mechanisms capable of inner life, subjectivity and affection. Since these dreams are entirely based on implicit assumptions about the nature of consciousness and reality at large, I thought a few …
Stephen Hawking’s Idiotic Plan To Save Mankind – Ignacio Zuleta
Acclaimed physicist Stephen Hawking believes humanity’s long-term future must be in space. I admire his intellectual dexterity and his accomplishments despite his paralysis, but this particular aspiration seems about as clear as a black hole. I’m not surprised that he should say it, but there is an element of arrogance in a scientist who believes he can know The Theory of …
Deciphering the Mideast Chaos
Few Americans seem to comprehend what is unfolding in the Middle East – with the latest conflict involving Saudi airstrikes against the Houthi rebels who now control Yemen’s capital of Sanaa. In this swirl of regional wars, it’s often not clear where the U.S. government stands and how American interests are affected. The reason for the confusion is simple: Many key …
Why a Stronger Dollar will Lead to Deflation, Recession and Crisis
“There are no nations…. no peoples…. no Russians.. no Arabs…no third worlds…no West. There is only one holistic system of systems, one vast and immane, interwoven, interacting, multi-variate, multi-national dominion of dollars. Petro-dollars, electro-dollars, multi-dollars, reichmarks, rins, rubles, pounds, and shekels. It is the international system of currency which determines the totality of life on this planet. That is the …