Inequality is growing about as fast as the world is warming. That’s no coincidence, according to the latest analysis of the global wealth gap by Oxfam. As the bank accounts of the rich grow, so too does the environmental devastation they wreak through ravenous consumption: The richest 62 people have as much money as half the world’s population. And that …
Connect The Dots – The Real State of the Union – 01.13.16
Listen to Margaret Flowers, MD and Kevin Zeese, co-founders of Popular Resistance, and leaders of the opposition to TPP and other trade deals will respond to President Obama’s last State of the Union address
Project Censored – 12.22.15
Scientists’ reports about global warming are becoming more and more pessimistic. Will rising sea levels, drought, crop failure and water wars become so severe that humanity’s existence itself is threatened? Peter Phillips and Julie Andrzejewski speak first with David Ray Griffin, author of the new book, “Unprecedented.” Then Dahr Jamail, climate writer at Truthout, joins the discussion.