NDC Savings Club – 10.14.15

Today Show: Acupuncture and Health Benefits

Guest Speaker: Jason Elias – Master Acupuncturists http://fiveelementhealing.net/

Jason Elias, has been in private practice since the 1970’s, treating thousands of patients by integrating the modalities of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and nutrition. Over a period of forty years, my professional training has included work in the U.S. with acknowledged leaders in the fields of psychology, the Alexander technique, massage therapy, bioenergetic therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and herbal medicine; in Japan with masters of Aikido; in Hong Kong with a prominent Chinese acupuncturist and herbalist; and in India, with an Ayurvedic master. My role in treating my patients has been as a participant in the healing process, helping patients to become whole by reclaiming, reintegrating, and restoring the self. My hope is that as you explore and gain a deeper understanding of Five Element Healing, you may grow in empowerment of body, mind, and spirit so as to help heal yourself.

New Series: The Flow of Energy Systems.

Recap commentary of last week show: Magnets and BioMagnetism

Let’s Create A Better World – 09.26.15

Dr. Paul Drouin is a Canadian M.D., as well as a Homeopath, Acupuncturist, Quantum Naturopath, and Professor of Integrative Medicine. He has dedicated his life to the promotion of natural health, the prevention of disease, and to bringing a greater depth and understanding to Quantum Medicine and alternative methods to further his knowledge of curative, preventive, and Integrative Medicine. He …

It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – It’s Nature’s Way of Telling You – 09.16.15

The evolution of financial systems is seldom matched with the evolution of biological systems, just as Western medicine has too long ignored nature’s own abilities to heal and sustain personal health. In both cases imposition of monetary control over these systems ignores signposts and laws that can lead to doom. Ellen speaks with co-author, physician and pharmacist Dr. Lynne Walker about the institutional hypocrisy that drives profits over people’s health, while co-host Walt McRee reviews Jamie Brown’s groundbreaking work on the wisdom of mimicking nature when designing new sustainable economic systems.

The Gary Null Show – 08.05.15

Dr. Marc Grossman is a doctor of optometry and licensed acupuncturist practicing at the Sommers Eye Center in Sommers, New York and in New Paltz. Nationally he has become known as the Holistic Eye Doctor and lecturers across the country about natural vision improvement, holistic integrative visual therapy and the psycho-emotional aspects of visual conditions. In his private practice, Dr. Grossman incorporates natural vision modalities such as acupuncture, diet and nutrition, and eye exercises. He is founder of the international bestselling book program “Magic Eye Beyond 3D” which has helped 10s of millions of people during the past 20 years. Marc has written five books including “Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision.” His website is NaturalEyeCare.com and he can be reached at 845-255-8222.

Women’s Health Risks Associated with Orthodox Medicine – Part 2

By, Gary Null, PhD, Debora Rasio, MD, and Martin Feldman, MD   Conventional medicine would have us believe that only its treatments have passed the kind of careful scientific scrutiny needed to prove their safety and effectiveness. But this is not necessarily the case, as revealed by our review of the medical literature on a number of women’s health issues. …