The Gary Null Show – 03.30.18

Obama’s and Trump’s Militarization of Space Bruce Gagnon is the Coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space and the co-founder of the Global Network. For over three decades he has focused on the militarization of space and organized Florida’s largest peace demonstration in opposition of the first test flight of the Trident 2 nuclear missile …

Project Censored – 02.20.18

In 1988 Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky published their influential work, “Manufacturing Consent.” One of the book’s features was the introduction of the ‘propaganda model,’ the Herman/Chomsky analysis of how powerful institutions shape news reporting to serve their interests. In this Project Censored Show, media scholar Rob Williams suggests how the propaganda model can be adapted and updated to address …

Project Censored – 02.13.18

Mickey and Peter devote this week’s show to discussions about the media, including both critiques of corporate media  and a briefing on the latest work from Project Censored. Their first guest, Rob Williams, speaks about fighting corporate fake news,  and introduces his suggested additions to the ‘propaganda model’ set forth by Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman in 1988’s “Manufacturing Consent.”  …

Energy Stew – different stages of soul evolution and what our soul groups are up to – 12.22.17

Tricia McCannon is one of the deepest people I know. Her books are always major works of profound research and inspired thinking. Her new book, “The Angelic Origins of the Soul, Discovering Your Divine Purpose”, is a wonder-ful opportunity to know so much more about ourselves. In this interview, she’ll talk about the nature of our souls and how we …

Visionaries – 11.07.16

“Becoming Creative.” Most of the books about creativity are about mastery, not creativity. Creativity begins with mastering existing traditions, but then goes on to overthrow those traditions and build new traditions. We look at creativity from the point of view of Nietzsche’s parable of the camel, the lion, and the child. More at:

Carla Stea – The U.S. versus the World, A Majority of One, A Minority of 192 UN General Assembly Resolutions. “Put Your Vote Where Your Rhetoric Is”

For decades, and again this year, the United States votes “no” on most United Nations General Assembly resolutions supporting meaningful disarmament and economic justice.  In fact, it has a consistent record of votes contradicting its professed rhetoric of concern for peace and human rights, as the UN General Assembly votes to adopt resolutions crafted to address the urgent need for …

David Morris – Sanding Down the Rough Edges of Capitalism Is Not Enough

The catalyst for a recent column by David Brooks was a speech delivered by his New York Times colleague Anand Giridharadas at the Aspen Action Forum. (Giridharadas writes the Letter from America column for the Global Edition of the Times) Giridharadas questioned the “Aspen Consensus” that the wealthy and powerful, the benefactors of the Aspen Institute, could be asked to …

John Scales Avery – The Need For A New Economic System, Part 4 Neocolonialism And Resource Wars

Hobson’s explanation of colonialism The Industrial Revolution opened up an enormous gap in military strength between the industrialized nations and the rest of the world. Taking advantage of their superior weaponry, Europe, the United States and Japan rapidly carved up the remainder of the world into colonies, which acted as sources of raw materials and food, and as markets for …

Philip Loring – It’s time for a new story of humanity’s place in the world

It goes without saying that humans are good at causing problems. Climate change, overfishing and widespread environmental contamination from chemical toxicants are all creations of our own making. But are we destined to create such problems? Many people believe so, and argue that our capacity for self-interest, avarice and ecological shortsightedness make us inherently unsustainable as a species. Not only …