‘Schizophrenia’ does not exist, argues expert

The term “schizophrenia,” with its connotation of hopeless chronic brain disease, should be dropped and replaced with something like “psychosis spectrum syndrome,” argues a professor of psychiatry in The BMJ today. Professor Jim van Os at Maastricht University Medical Centre says several others have called for updated psychiatric classifications, particularly regarding the term “schizophrenia.” Japan and South Korea have already abandoned this …

Are We Medicating the True Selves of Boys? – Marilyn Wedge Ph.D.

“I have a great class this year,” said my friend, a long time third grade teacher in a suburban elementary school. “I have 19 girls and only eight boys!” I wasn’t surprised to hear her candid statement. Girls are quieter, less fidgety, and certainly less mischievious than boys. They have fewer behavior issues in the classroom and are therefore easier to …