Guest was investigative journalist Patricia Negron and my partner in crime in taking down the Global Pedophile Network. We covered the latest details on the destruction of the Pedophile Network and the perverts – from the Hollywood celebrities to the Vatican to the politicians in Washington and Saudi Arabia to the journalists and reporters in the MSM and the current …
Ramzy Baroud – Ban Ki-moon’s Legacy in Palestine: Failure in Words and Deeds
Ban Ki-moon was the most ideal man for the job of UN Secretary General, as far as the US government and the Israeli occupation regime are concerned. Ban Ki-Moon‘s second term as the Secretary General of the United Nations is ending this December. He was the most ideal man for the job as far as the United States and its …
PAUL COCHRANE – Hot Air in the Saudi Desert: a Kingdom in Descent?
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is in financial dire straits. Since the plunge in oil prices, the kingdom has been hemorrhaging money left, right and center. It has provided billions of dollars to shore up counter-revolutionary governments around the Middle East, especially Egypt, it is heavily involved in the Syrian conflict, and is burning through some $6 billion a month waging …
Gareth Porter – The Classified ’28 Pages’: A Diversion From Real US-Saudi Issues
The controversy surrounding the infamous “28 pages” on the possible Saudi connection with the terrorists that were excised from the joint Congressional report on the 9/11 attacks is at fever pitch. But that controversy is a distraction from the real problems that Saudi Arabia’s policies pose to the United States and the entire Middle East region. The political pressure to …
Vijay Prashad – There’s a Major Unfolding Humanitarian Tragedy in Yemen
In a month, the Saudi-led bombing of Yemen will be a year old. Strategic gains have been few. The fractured chessboard of Yemeni politics is as complex today as it was on the day the Saudis began to bomb – 26 March 2015. Why did the Saudis and their allies start to bomb Yemen? There was no clear casus belli. …
Ben Moshi – Saudi Arabia spends 25% of its budget on its military — here’s what it has for the money
Saudi Arabia has one of the best-funded defence forces in the Middle East. The kingdom spends 25% of its budget, or about $80 billion, on its military. That is about double what it spends on health and social development. It has been throwing its weight around recently, engaging in a war in Yemen and joining forces with Turkey against Syrian …
Expat Files – 01.03.16
-Some Expat auto owners weigh in with amusing stories describing what happens when Latin cops tried to shake them down for dough.
BTW: the car/vehicle paperwork shakedown situation is common around Christmas time (when most Latins are beyond dead broke).
-Latin cops love bribes (mordida). But they love free gifts too. That why long term Expats sometimes tuck certain special cheap giveaway items in their cars just to hand to cops pressuring for handouts. In the event you get pulled over, some key cheap items can work like a charm!
-In every Latin country there is a small group of 20 to 50 very wealthy “old money” families that own huge tracts of land along with many of the basic industries. Their last names and are well known to the rest of the working population- who generally revere them like minor royals. Often their snotty kids are unruly, abusive jerks. Even so, cops try to maintain a “hands off” policy. It’s sort of their Latin version of our “Gringo Advantage”…. though thankfully, few of us gringos come off like them in the pretentious jerk department.
-The parking situation in Latin America can be complicated. Today we compare Latin parking options to what you are used to up in Hartford and Cleveland. Some of what you are about to hear will sound a bit nutty, but that’s life in Latin America.
Infectious Myth – Medea Benjamin on Peace and the Cycle of Violence – 12.01.15
In Episode 81 David talks with Medea Benjamin, founder of Code Pink, and a well-known peace and anti-war activist, about the violence that infects the world today. Starting with the recent spate of violent incidents in Paris, Beirut, Mali, Colorado Springs and elsewhere, David and Medea discuss the financial motivations for war, the blowback and unintended consequences that occur, how destruction of governments, as in Iraq and Libya, helps produce organizations like ISIS. They discuss the fear of many Americans about the possibility that a jihadist could be hiding amongst refugees, while tolerating 30,000 gun deaths a year. How fear is manipulated to get taxpayers to support more funding for more wars, avoiding the discussion of how wars created the incidents that produced the fear in the first place. How fear is used to justify more widespread communications monitoring and censorship, and bigger budgets for intelligence agencies that continue to be unable to stop these attacks (often claiming insufficient budge). The jihadists benefit from our fear, and from attacks on Islamic countries that kill civilians, such as the recent Russian bombing of a busy market, bombings of wedding parties, and the recent US and Saudi bombings of hospitals.
For more reading on this subject, and some of the sources David used, see
You can find out more about Medea Benjamin’s work with Code Pink at:
Catherine Shakdam – Religious eugenics: How Saudi Arabia is sponsoring a frightening new movement in the Middle East
Blanketed by its wealth and protected by political alliances, Saudi Arabia has covertly run and promoted a new movement in the Middle East: religious eugenics, under the false pretense of opposing the rise of Iran. From Syria to Bahrain and Yemen the evidence is overwhelming. Earlier this August, the Red Cross added its voice to those of other humanitarian and …
Why Iran Must Remain a US Enemy – GARETH PORTER
Since the start of the US nuclear negotiations with Iran, both Israeli and Saudi officials have indulged in highly publicised handwringing over their belief that such a nuclear deal would represent a fundamental strategic shift in US policy towards the region at the expense of its traditional alliances with Israel and Saudi Arabia. But the Obama administration is no more likely …
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