The Gary Null Show – 07.21.16

On “The Gary Null Show” Gary gave us an update on health and healing as well as having the great journalist, Greg Palast, and a few videos of what is going on in the world today. Enjoy, listen and read.

Study shows changes in brain activity after mindfulness therapy in adolescents

One third of women with ADHD have anxiety disorders, almost half have considered suicide, study finds

The right kind of cinnamon enhances memory, improves learning ability and can reverse Parkinson’s

What we learnt about tea & coffee at the polyphenol world congress

Lower risk of bowel cancer death linked to high omega 3 intake after diagnosis

Early obesity raises pancreatic cancer risk

ADHD drugs linked to sudden death

Colorectal cancer rate rising among younger people
ADHD drugs proven absolutely useless for children – plus, they stunt growth

Gary takes a break and plays this great tune: Gibson Brothers – Cuba. Gary returns to speak with his guest, Greg Palast, a great journalist, and here is a quick bio:

Greg Palast is a journalist’s journalist whose news breaking stories and investigations have appeared on BBC, the Guardian, Al-Jazeera, now Rolling Stone and others. The British Tribune K has called Greg “the most important investigative journalist in our time.” Greg broke the stories of voter theft in Florida districts during the 2000 Bush-Gore election, BP’s corruption over the Deep Horizon catastrophe in the Gulf, Bush’ secret pre-invasion plans to capture Iraq’s oil fields, and US’s attempted coups against Hugo Chavez. He has won many awards including the George Orwell award for Courage in Journalism. Greg is the author of NY Times Bestsellers “Billionaires and Ballot Bandits” and “Armed Madhouse” and “Vulture’s Picnic. His new feature documentary – the Best Democracy Money Can Buy: A Tale of Billionaires and Ballot Bandits will premiere next Wednesday, July 27 at the Democratic Alternative Convention in Philadelphia at 8:30 pm. You can read more of Greg’s reports at

VIDEO: Why the whole banking system is a scam – Godfrey Bloom MEP
VIDEO: Rand Paul highlights the social injustices black people face
VIDEO: Seeds Monsanto in Iraq

Infectious Myth – Online Voting – 05.24.16

David talks with Areeq Chowdhury, founder and chief executive of Web Roots Democracy, a United Kingdom-based organization that promotes the idea of online voting in British elections to combat apathy and increase voter turnout, especially among the young. Following that interview David reviews news articles on criminal justice, guns, medicalization of birth and treatment of ADHD and depression.

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – Breast Thermography, Holistic Alternative to Breast Compression and Radiation – 04.26.16

Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN,, interviews Dr. Moshe Dekel. Dr. Dekel is a board certified OB GYN in private practice for 35 years. In his many years in private practice, he served as the chief of GYN surgery at the Long Island Surgi-Center, and as the Medical Director of the Long Island Birthing Center. Dr. Dekel transitioned to Holistic Medicine over a decade ago, and is now taking care of holistic medical needs of men, women and children. He specializes in breast thermography, bio-identical hormone replacement, autism, ADD and ADHD, emotional stress like anxiety and insomnia, and nutrition. Dr. Dekel is also a DAN certified (Defeat Autism Now) practitioner and works with bio-energetic medicine. He practices on Long Island, NY, Savannah GA and Hilton Head, SC.

Fearless Parent Radio – Tech Brain: The Vice Grip of Screens and Lights – 04.20.16

Guest // VIctoria Dunckley, MD Host // Carla Atherton

Has technology grabbed ahold of your kids’ brains, with the vice grip of blue screens and blinking lights? It’s affecting our children socially. It’s messing with brain function and development. It’s causing health problems from fatigue to sleep problems. It’s a catalyst of emotional upset, from tantrums and depression to addictions and even violence.


Do you have a daughter who’s not responding well to treatment? Do you suspect that you son is being medicated unnecessarily?

Could screen time be affecting your child’s grades, happiness, sense of self, relationships, and overall quality of life? Could it be at the root of an ADHD or Oppositional Defiance Disorder diagnosis?

Find out during this interview, and learn how you can join host Carla Atherton and Dr. Dunckley for a screenfast challenge. Reverse these tech side effects and develop new, healthy relationships with technology.

Fearless Parent Radio – SPD: Processing a New Future for Kids – 11.18.15

About 5% of children have difficulty receiving “normal” sensory inputs from the environment — sound, light, smell, clothing, food, movement — and respond in ways that are deemed inappropriate, like crying, screaming, covering their ears, or tuning out.

Maybe they’re challenged in school or social situations; at the restaurant, mall, or airport; even with clothing tags or automatic flush toilets in public restrooms, to name just a few. Not all children are hypersensitive over-responders, however. Some might be under-responders who might be quiet, with a flat affect and low arousalresponse.

These children might have a kind of “neurological traffic jam” going on. If the adults in a child’s life don’t understand what’s happening, the child can be labeled and medicated in a variety of heartbreaking ways. The next time you hear that a child that is difficult, clumsy, picky, anxious, oppositional, quirky, etc., it might be worth looking into something called Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD).

What is SPD? Is it sometimes misdiagnosed as ADHD?
How does SPD differ from Sensory integration dysfunction?
What do parents wish that the medical community better understood about SPD?
Is there a connection between colic/gastrointestinal symptoms and SPD?
What kind of treatments are helping children today and what’s on the horizon?
How are parents leading the way?

NDC Savings Club – 04.29.15

Part 3 – Recovering Autism, ADHD, & Special Needs

Guest Speaker: Shelley Tzorfas – Specialized Tutoring/ Learning Assessments – Today 1 in every 6 children is “Developmentally Disabled” while 1 in every 5 children are now considered to be “Neurologically Impaired.” In some states 1 in every 25 boys have Autism.

Does ADHD Exist? – Edward F. Group

Did you catch my entry about 6 toxic causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? In it, I mentioned that I’d look at the other side of the argument. Is this a true neurological disorder that needs life-long medical treatment, or is the ADHD diagnosis simply an overgeneralization of a underlying condition? So, let’s get down to what those folks believe: does …

NDC Savings Club – 04.15.15

Recovering Autism, ADHD, & Special Needs Guest Speaker:  Shelley Tzorfas – Specialized Tutoring/ Learning Assessments Shelley Tzorfas has been working with children, teens, and young adults who have learning disabilities, ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, and other special needs. With over 20 years experience, she has created ways to help these children succeed in academics and social goals while teaching parents how …