Revealed: how raid by Kenyan police drove street children to their deaths

It was a Sunday, so there was little to do but mark time and sniff glue. The shops were shut, the market half empty. With few people out and about, begging was unlikely to be a profitable enterprise. Instead, many of Eldoret’s street children had retreated to its central rubbish dump. Foetid and pestilential, this wasteland has long been a …


“Mark truly energized the crowd and engaged the youth in a truly effective way, we were very happy to see the very important anti-bullying message delivered in such a kid-friendly, yet meaningful way. Way to go! Thank you for the experience Mark!”

NORMAN POLLACK – Clinton Incorruptible: An Ideological Contrivance

Goldman got its money’s worth at the Convention, $700k for two speeches, more a promissory note on behalf of the entire Wall Street community for continued support when and if she is elected president. Clinton, an engine of self-promotion that never turns off, makes Trump’s self-promotion infantile, tiresome, and dyspeptic by comparison. A coinciding of personas, public and private, is …

Are Your Casual Clothes Toxic?

A Greenpeace report has found that several major sportswear brands—including Adidas, Nike, and Puma—contain polyfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEs), and phthalates. All of these chemicals are linked to major health issues. PFCs, which make items stain-proof, are linked to problems like low birth weight and prostate cancer; phthalates are linked to attention deficit disorder, asthma, breast cancer, obesity, and behavioral and neurodevelopmental issues; and …

Israel (20,000km2) Considers the Annexation of Sinai (60,000km2) in An Act of War Against Egypt By Anthony Bellchambers

Such an aggressively expansionist move, ostensibly to deter political unrest on its southern border – which runs from Rafah to Eilat – but in reality an effort by the Netanyahu administration to become a hegemonic power in the region, would be strongly opposed by the U.S., Britain and Russia and the entire UNSC. In an action that would inevitably instigate …

People Should Control the Food System, Not Corporations – Kirtana Chandrasekaran, Stanka Becheva

For those among us interested in how we can feed the world, we would recommend a visit to the alternative People’s EXPO instead of the official Milan (Italy) EXPO 2015, a massive exhibition supposedly aimed at bringing the global community together to ‘make progress on issues of international importance.’ Twenty million visitors are expected at the EXPO 2015 in Milan, a €1.3 billion …