In the last week, a group of scientists and a prominent historian each predicted a climate apocalypse. The scientists, led by Ricarda Winkelmann of Germany’s Potsdam University, issued a paper finding that, if humans burn the rest of the world’s estimated fossil fuel reserves — which might take only another 140 years at current rates of increase — effectively all …
Phillip Smith – Narco Nazis: Book Sheds New Light on Hitler’s Drug Use, ‘Amphetamine Blitzes’
A book published in Germany this summer adds new information to old stories about Adolf Hitler’s drug use and amphetamine use among German soldiers during World War II. The author even suggests that drugs played a major role in the war, proving decisive in some of the Third Reich’s military successes, but also leading a drug-addled Hitler to make decisions …
The Final Edition – 09.03.15
Best of the West. No New Yorkers were harmed – or used – in the making of this episode. It’s just Hitler and suicide and anal feeding, and all that other mellow West Coast stuff.”
Corey Robin – Aggrieved students find books dangerous; neoliberal administrators say they’re useless. I’d take the former any day
No one knows the power of literature better than the censor. That’s why he burns books: to fight fire with fire, to stop them from setting the world aflame. Or becomes an editor: Stalin, we now know, excised words from texts with about as much energy and attention as he excised men and women from the world. As Bertolt Brecht …
Prof. John McMurtry – Ukraine, America’s “Lebensraum”. Is Washington Preparing to Wage War on Russia?
Seeing through the Official Lies on Ukraine “We can no longer find any willingness on the part of Poland to conduct serious negotiations with us. These proposals for mediation have failed because [of ] – – Polish mobilization.” (Adolph Hitler, 1939) These are the words of Adolph Hitler just before invading Poland and then the Soviet Union. I have replaced …
Sherwood Ross – Francis Boyle: New Pentagon War Manual Reduces US To “Level of Nazis”
The Pentagon’s new Law of War Manual(LOWM) sanctioning nuclear attacks and the killing of civilians, “reads like it was written by Hitler’s Ministry of War,” says international law authority Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois at Champaign. “Historically, this is a terrible development,” he added in an exclusive interview with this reporter. “We are reducing ourselves to the level …
How British High Society Fell in Love With the Nazis – Tom Sykes
Controversy followed the publication of footage of a young queen giving a Nazi salute. But in those days, British high society’s worship of Hitler was in full bloom. Buckingham Palace has attempted to brush off the film of a young Queen giving a Nazi salute as ‘horseplay’ and insisted that the family were simply ‘messing around’ for the camera when …
Greece Surrendered: But to Whom Exactly? Posted By Diana Johnstone
On July 12, Greece surrendered abjectly and totally. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, who had promised to combat the austerity measure that are driving the Greek people to ruin, poverty and suicide, betrayed all his promises, denied the will of the people expressed in the July 5 referendum, and led the Greek parliament to accept an agreement with the nation’s creditors …
The Mess that Nuland Made By Robert Parry
As the Ukrainian army squares off against ultra-right and neo-Nazi militias in the west and violence against ethnic Russians continues in the east, the obvious folly of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy has come into focus even for many who tried to ignore the facts, or what you might call “the mess that Victoria Nuland made.” Assistant Secretary of State …
Ukraine Merges Nazis and Islamists By Robert Parry
In a curiously upbeat account, The New York Times reports that Islamic militants have joined with Ukraine’s far-right and neo-Nazi battalions to fight ethnic Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine. It appears that no combination of violent extremists is too wretched to celebrate as long as they’re killing Russ-kies. The article by Andrew E. Kramer reports that there are now three Islamic battalions …