Is Your State Being Targeted by a Medical Monopoly?

It may be—if a secretive, private, and powerful organization called the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) gets its way. State-based Action Alerts! For years now, we have been reporting on the machinations of the FSMB, especially their most recent efforts to pass their Interstate Medical Licensure Compact in as many states as possible. Don’t be deceived. While this is supposedly …

Leid Stories – 01.29.16

Get It Off Your Chest! Have Your Say and Free Our Minds!
Help us all free our minds by bringing to this open forum your perspective on issues raised on Leid Stories this week or on any subject you think deserves further discussion and debate. It’s “Free Your Mind Friday,” and it’s all about listeners’ opinions and ideas. Call in (888-874-4888) and have your say.

Josephi Mercola – WebMD — The Latest Shill for Monsanto. What You Need to Know About GMOs

WebMD is the most visited health site on the web. While the general belief is that it’s a trustworthy source of “independent and objective” health information, it’s become quite clear that WebMD (at is a shill, using its influence to primarily promote corporate-backed health strategies and products. Partnerships and sponsorships1 color WebMD’s recommendations across the board, and “passive” promotion …

Global Capitalism and the Global Police State: Crisis of Humanity and the Specter of 21st Century Fascism – Prof William I. Robinson

The world capitalist system is arguably experiencing the worst crisis in its 500 year history. World capitalism has experienced a profound restructuring through globalisation over the past few decades and has been transformed in ways that make it fundamentally distinct from its earlier incarnations. Similarly, the current crisis exhibits features that set it apart from earlier crises of the system …

Syngenta Accused Of Racketeering

At least a dozen Arkansas farmers have joined hundreds of farmers in 19 other states in almost 800 lawsuits against Swiss seed maker Syngenta over genetically modified corn seed, a case that has been widely reported in the media. But one of the lawsuits, filed on behalf of two Newport farms, contains a previously unreported twist: an allegation that Syngenta, …