Leid Stories—Good to You, Good for You, It’s “Free Your Mind Friday!”—05.26.17

It’s the best open forum on the planet—a free-form, unscripted hour dedicated to your thoughts, opinions and ideas. Whether on what’s in the news or what ought to be, choose your subject and opine away. But don’t be surprised if someone picks up the gauntlet you throw down. Call 888-874-4888 and free your mind. Download this episode (right click and …

Expat Files – 05.26.17

#1- When new green Expats encounter Narco chieftains and their entourages: that’s the subject of today’s “boots on the ground” real-life Expat story that happened recently in an upscale Latin restaurant #2- Can you guess the TWO favorite vehicle models overwhelmingly chosen by Narco capos and crooked Latin politicians for their day to day on the road travel? Hint?.. they …