Affairs often reflect unmet expectations, lack of excitement, boring sex lives, emotional detachment and feeling more like a parent than a sexual being. Brad Coates…
EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRS........... Can Couples Survive an Extramarital Affair? Beatty discussed: 1. Infidelity Statistics 2. If You Want to Save Your Marriage 3. 6 Steps…
LET'S TALK ABOUT EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRS Beatty talked about the incidence of extramarital affairs and the reasons why people CHEAT. What should women and men…
CONVERSATIONS WITH REMARKABLE MINDS The Body-Mind Self, and the epigenetics of our culturally learned beliefs upon our health and quality of life Dr. Mario Martinez…
It’s rare for a person—deliberately—to subjugate to their will someone they care about. Typically, when someone acts manipulatively toward another, their motive, at least consciously,…