Cannabis and sex! Better orgasms! Matisse and Chelsea developed a cannabis enhanced sensual lubricant called Velvet Swing which provides more fun for everyone ( Discussions went from the pragmatic (Willie Nelson re being caught with a bag of marijuana: “It’s a good thing I had a bag of marijuana instead of a bag of spinach. I’d be dead by now.”) to the …
What Women Must Know –How to Calm and Angry Person in 90 Seconds with Douglas Noll-09.28.17
Douglas Noll, who holds both a JD and an MA, left a successful career as a lawyer to become a peacemaker. He is an award-winning author, teacher, trainer, highly experienced mediator, and co-founder of the Prison of Peace project. This has been the most profound peace training Douglas has conducted thus far in his career. Inmates who have gone through …
The Vinyl Experience – 03.31.17
VE 120 Spring In The Air Gabor Szabo: Spring Song Simon & Garfunkel: April Come She Will Talk Talk: April 5th Rickie Lee Jones: Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most Butthole Surfers: Lonesome Bulldog The Pogues; Dirty Old Town The Jayhawks: See Him On the Street Ritchie Havens Here Comes The Sun The Yardbirds: Shapes Of Things Rolling …
Love Lust And Laughter – 01.31.17
Dr. Linda De Villers returned. She is the author of “Love Skills – A Fun, Upbeat Guide to Sex-cessful Relationships” and “Simple Sexy Food – 101 Tasty Aphrodisiac Recipes and Sensual Tips to Stir Your Libido and Feed Your Love.
Paul Craig Roberts – The Proof Is In: The US Government Is The Most Complete Criminal Organization In Human History
Unique among the countries on earth, the US government insists that its laws and dictates take precedence over the sovereignty of nations. Washington asserts the power of US courts over foreign nationals and claims extra-territorial jurisdiction of US courts over foreign activities of which Washington or American interest groups disapprove. Perhaps the worst results of Washington’s disregard for the sovereignty …
Mark Greene – Why Manning Up Is the Worst Thing to Do
The traditional rules about how to be a “real man” in America are breaking down. Economic upheaval has shifted wage earning from men to their wives or partners. The rise of men as primary caregivers of their children is challenging our most fundamental assumptions about gender. The gay rights and trans rights movements are creating expansive new definitions of masculinity. …
Vermont Teen Forcibly Drugged and Incarcerated By DCF Wants to Come Home for 18th Birthday
A judge has ruled that Vermont teen Elissa Maple be returned home on her 18th birthday, which is July 1, but DCF is fighting the ruling, even allegedly attempting bribery of the teenager to get her to voluntarily sign over her rights on her birthday. If she does so, they can keep her in the system for an additional 3 years. Elissa has spent …
National Geographic’s corporate-corrupted war on REALITY: how a once-upstanding mag now betrays humanity to push toxic poisons of advertisers
The cover of this month’s National Geographic magazine is causing some major controversy among the cognitively aware, as this once-upstanding and generally unbiased nature periodical has quite obviously fallen headlong into the clutches of corporate-controlled propaganda and lies. Outlining what it says are some of the basic tenets of “The War on Science,” National Geographic likens having concerns about the safety of vaccines, fluoride, …
We’ve all witnessed a dog or cat charge into the yard to chomp on green grass, just like we’ve all cleaned up the resulting, imminent mess. While a little grass won’t hurt your pets, there are quite a few common household plants that are dangerous for them to ingest. Take stock of where you’ve placed your houseplants and decide if any …