Mark Winne, an author and anti-hunger activist, often says that the most important word in “community garden” isn’t “garden.” I saw this firsthand not long ago. Standing in the sun between several small garden plots all morning, it may not have looked like much was going on. A few people stood in a circle, chatting. Occasionally, one would leave, or …
Infectious Myth – Vaccination Policy in the UK with Christina England – 01.12.16
In Episode 85 David discusses with Christina England, the findings of her book entitled, “Vaccination Policy and the UK Government: The Untold Truth” which she co-authored with University of British Columbia Senior Research Fellow Lucija Tomljenovic
This interview, drawing on the materials in the book, describes how serious vaccine adverse events, especially death, have often been blamed on parents in England, often using the concept of “Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy” with Christina England (Shaken Baby Syndrome is also discussed in her new book book). Parents are accused of either imaging the symptoms in their child, or of creating them by abuse or poisoning. Christine describes how these ideas were promoted by prominent doctors Roy Meadows, who invented the term Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, and also David Southall, and these ideas are still current, despite serious findings by medical institutions against both and many reversals of criminal convictions. She also describes how people fought back, including herself and psychologist Lisa Blakemore-Brown. Despite progress, many parents and other caregivers are still in jail, some serving life without parole, despite the fact that others were eventually released.
You can find out more about the book Christina England co-authored at:
Mark speaks with NYC Police Athletic League’s Executive Director, Fred Watts on the numerous programs benefitting 35,000 kids annually in the five boroughs and how Mr, Watts upbringing resulted in serving the public for 30 years with the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office as a prosecutor and finance director and now taking PAL to new levels. Mark also shares examples of how as a kid he found trouble and how it could have changed his life trajectory since he wasn’t part of PAL or similar organization.
Have Mark speak at your company, school or college on vital topics that stem from Mark’s vast life experience. Info:
It’s All About Food – Michael Bedar, Sweet Healing: A Whole Health Journey – 01.05.16
Part I: Michael Bedar, Sweet Healing: A Whole Health Journey
Michael Bedar is an avid natural foods and health researcher and author, and the Co-Director of the East Bay Healing Collective in Berkeley, California. He graduated from UC San Diego where he studied and researched Environmental Health. Later, for his master’s thesis at the Cousens School of Holistic Wellness, he surveyed 200 people on their happiness and satisfaction with their nutrition and health outcomes, and turned the data into a page-turner of a parable, the acclaimed novel, Sweet Healing: A Whole Health Journey. Learn more about Sweet Healing at Bedar is also the Associate Producer of several hit documentaries about the natural world, food, and health. He has been a natural health guide for ten years.
Dylan Matthews – America’s biggest housing program is run by the IRS, and it’s a huge giveaway to rich people
The mortgage interest tax deduction is a garbage policy. It’s hugely regressive: 52 percent of the benefit goes to the richest 10 percent of Americans, and only 0.1 percent of the benefit goes to the poorest 20 percent. The deduction is supposed to encourage homeownership, but economists Edward Glaeser and Jesse Shapiro have found that it overwhelmingly goes to rich …
America Crosses The Tipping Point: The Middle Class Is Now A Minority
Americans have long lived in a nation made up primarily of middle-class families, neither rich nor poor, but comfortable enough, notes NPR’s Marilyn Geewax, but this year – for the first time in US history, that changed. A new analysis of government data showsthat as of 2015, middle-income households have become the minority, extending a multi-decade decline that confirms the hollowing out of …
A Just Cause – Suicides in U.S. Prisons – 12.06.15
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks of the Colorado exoneration firm A Just Cause, discuss what happens when the wheels of justice trample unbridled over the rights of innocent Americans. Learn more about Suicides in U.S. Prisons, happening at an alarming rate!
Interview with Chris Hunt from GRACE – 12.03.15
Special Advisor on Food and Agriculture
Chris Hunt serves as special advisor on food and agriculture at GRACE, where he provides strategic input on the organization’s efforts to build a sustainable food future. Chris has written extensively about food and agriculture issues; his work has appeared in Civil Eats, Huffington Post, AlterNet and Ecocentric. His areas of interest and expertise include industrial livestock production, food waste, urban agriculture and food systems advocacy. Before GRACE, Chris worked as an Alumni Memorial Scholar research fellow at Colgate University, and has served two terms on the board of directors of the Hudson River Sloop Clearwater. Chris earned a BA in environmental economics from Colgate University. He’s an ardent proponent of bicycling, composting, accepting peculiar travel suggestions and walking up mountains.
CATHY BUSSEWITZ – Hawaii Governor Declares Homelessness ‘State Of Emergency’
HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii Gov. David Ige has declared a state of emergency to deal with the state’s homelessness crisis just days after city and state officials cleared one of the nation’s largest homeless encampments. The move will help the state speed up the process of building a homeless shelter for families, and the state is considering four possible sites, …
Michael Krieger – Welcome to the Recovery – Homelessness Amongst Students Doubles Since Before the Recession
How’s that recovery going for you? That’s what I thought. Here’s the latest data point from the ongoing oligarch crime spreeshamelessly marketed to the masses as an “economic recovery.” From Five-Thirty-Eight: The number of homeless students in the country’s classrooms has more than doubled since before the recession, according to recently released federal data. That’s an alarming trend, but a new report offers some …