What could possibly be more toxic than nuclear power? You don’t have to look far–actually, it’s your mind! Self-doubt, low self-esteem and negative self-talk are the makings of a negative, toxic mind that can and will bring down even the mightiest if left on its own device. On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis speaks toMarina Shakour Haber, author of the …
Meria Heller – Awaken with Meria and Monnica – 01.21.18
Awaken with Meria & Monnica. Meria and Monnica Sepulveda take you on a spiritual journey. Intuition is a gift we all have, exercise it and use it; everything is an exchange of energy; feel your own answers; your inner genie; research and development;”only one truth”; don’t hesitate to make changes or leave it to someone else; divine order; challenges don’t have to get the …
Connect The Dots – Guest: Lisa Stokke – 08.02.17
Tune in to Connect the Dots to find out about the Future of Organics, with Lisa Stokke, co-founder of Food Democracy Now! And Dave Chapman, an organic farmer for over 35 years in Vermont and the co-founder of the movement, Keep The Soil In Organic. They will discuss the erosion of Organics by industrial hydroponics. Download this episode (right click and save)
Gregg Levoy – The 5 Benefits of a Mortality Meditation, Part 1
“Warning: dates in calendar are closer than they appear.” —Bumper sticker I used to have an old episode of Peanuts tacked to the wall in my office. It showed Snoopy talking with a fruit fly, whose life span is only 24 hours and who confides his one regret: “I wish I knew at nine o’clock what I know now.” He doesn’t specify …