Leid Stories—It’s ‘Free Your Mind Friday’ on Leid Stories. Speak Your Truth!—02.10.17

It’s “Free Your Mind Friday,” our weekly open forum, and listeners’ opinions are the star of the show.
Take on the issues of the day, or any topic you choose, with the intention of offering a view that’s considerably different. Call in (888-874-4888) and speak your truth. We’ll hear the sparks fly!

Meditations and Molotovs – 01.30.17

On today’s program, Vince is joined by Olga Bautista. Olga is a life long resident and community organizer of Chicago’s Southeast Side. She is a founding member of Chicago’s Southeast Side Coalition to Ban Petcoke and ran as a candidate for Alderman of Chicago’s 10th Ward in 2015. Olga continues to devote her time and energy toward building progressive political movements throughout the Chicagoland region.

U.S. Voter Turnout is Low Because There’s Little to Vote For

Voter suppression plays an important role in keeping Black turnout below that of whites, but does not explain why overall U.S. voter participation is far below most developed countries on the planet. The reason is simple: the rich control both political parties and, as a result, “the U.S. offers the narrowest spectrum of electoral choices in the industrial world.” Voting …